It’s shaping up to be another great week for pickleball and the weather looks like we’re good until mid-week outdoors. Although not specifically tied to the cooler weather, it’s a good time to remind everyone to stretch both before and
Community YMCA – League Update
The Community YMCA has delayed the start of their leagues by 1 week to give people the opportunity to sign up. The rest of the information is the same. For more information refer to the original post: Community YMCA –
Community YMCA – League Information
Here is all of the information for the Fall, 2017 leagues at the Community YMCA. The registration fee for each team is
September Schedules update
Just wanted to let everyone know that I’ve received updates for the schedules for both the Fort and Y for September.
East Side Park Now Open
Just wanted to let everyone know that they have removed the dangerous tree limb and that East Side Park/Harrison Avenue is now open for play. Thanks to Charles Hoffman, Rec Director for keeping everyone informed.
East Side Park (Harrison Ave) Closed until further notice
Just wanted to let everyone know that according to Charles Hoffman (Recreation Director, Red Bank) that due to a tree issue on the property next to the courts, that the courts will be closed until further notice. He hopes that
Community YMCA Announces Programs Ahead of Grand Opening
Sign-up for a Free Scorekeeper/Referee Clinic
Welcome Chris Riportella!
Providing interesting content and giving you resources to improve your game is something I’ve set out to do from the very beginning. I also want people to realize this isn’t my site, but instead your site. I want to provide
Community YMCA Opening – Rescheduled
The grand opening for the Community YMCA pickleball courts that was originally scheduled for today has been rescheduled for August 11. This means that open play is available until then with the previous schedule. All six courts have now been