Editors Note: This is Kathleen’s first post to the Monmouth Area Pickleball (MAP) site. Please join me in welcoming her as a contributor for MAP. I value her contributions in so many ways and hope you enjoy having a different voice on the site besides mine. – Greg

Interview with Kim Smith, USPA Ambassador

Today’s CHATTER is an interview with Kim Smith.  We met last week at the Danish Café to talk about her adventures and experiences as USPA Pickleball Ambassador.

Q:  You are the Fair Haven USPA Pickleball Ambassador – what does that mean?

A: It means that I am addicted to the sport of pickleball!  LOL, But seriously, among other things, it means I promote the sport of pickleball in our area by running free introductory clinics, and setting up and help to get courts installed in various towns or venues.  Ambassadors also communicate information from USPA such as rule changes and new developments.  Being an ambassador has been so rewarding for me as I enjoy introducing  the sport to new people and seeing  them fall in love with it. I still hear from people that I taught two years ago,  thanking me for sharing it with them. How rewarding is that?


Q: How long have you been an ambassador?

A: Two and half years.


Q: What has changed since you started?

A: The number of people playing in our area has changed a lot. Over 350 people from the county have been introduced to the basics of pickleball over the last 2 years. There are also more courts available now.  Two years ago, pickleball was only offered at Fort Monmouth and Thompson Park, but now there are courts or lines at  the Red Bank Community YMCA, New Shrewsbury Racquet Club, Colts Neck Racquet Club, Little Silver Racquet Club, Fair Haven Fields, Victory Park in Rumson and Harrison Ave. in Red Bank.  There are also many private communities and clubs that are now installing pickleball courts.  Currently Long Branch, Middletown, and Monmouth Beach are exploring adding pickleball.  Also, overall the level of play amongst our participants has improved quite a bit.


Q: Looking ahead, what do you see changing?

A: I hope there will be construction or addition of another large complex to keep up with the demand from all of the new players who are becoming addicted to the game.  The YMCA seems to be accommodating  all of the players currently playing, but as the sport continues to grow at such a high rate,  I think we will need another venue in the near future to keep up with the demand.  Another change on the horizon is the growing involvement of youth in the sport.  This year the USAPA is collaborating with the AAU to help promote the sport with a new generation of players.  This is  an area of growth that I am very excited about.


Q: As an ambassador what questions do you get asked the most?

A: Where can I take lessons and where can I play?


Q: What has been the biggest challenge being an ambassador?

A: Interestingly, my biggest challenge has been setting-up meetings with the various town recreation directors,  in order for me to introduce the sport in their respective towns.  With few exceptions, my reaching out via phone or email has been ineffective.  I’ve learned that the best way is to establish interest with a local resident/community member for an introduction to their recreation director. However typically once I get their ear, it is an “easy sell”.


Q: If you had one wish as an ambassador, what would it be?

A: I am not sure that I have one wish specifically, but I do have a wish list. It includes establishing a local tournaments and leagues with in the next year, finding an easy way to find out where the games are at your level, getting the youth and the schools more involved and continuing to introduce it to more towns.


Q: What do you enjoy most about playing pickleball?

A: There is so much that I love about the sport it’s hard to just choose one thing. I really enjoy the different aspects of the game.  I love the fact that it can go from a soft point, where there is a lot of strategizing, into a really fast, intense point where you are simply reacting- and don’t even have time to think  about where to place the ball. It is those fun and exciting games  that make you laugh and  want to keep on playing more and more.  I also love the social aspect of the game.  I feel so blessed to have made so many new friends through pickleball and to have met so many wonderful  people.


Q: How many hours per week do you play?

A: Not enough or too many to count… take your pick!


Q: Are there any rumors, news or tidbits you’d like to share?

  • The USPA is planning to create a Hall of Fame Fame and Coach Mo, Richard Movsessian, who did a clinic here  last year has been nominated as an inductee.
  • USAPA will be trying to introduce youth pickleball through the AAU this spring.
  • Two players from our area Marc Miller and Dave Navarro won gold at the 4.0 level at the 2017 Mid-Atlantic Open Pickleball Tournament. This shows we have some very strong players in our community.
  • There are new indoor options in the works at Colts Neck Racquet Club and Little Silver Tennis Club, the Fort and maybe the Y.
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5 thoughts on “Pickleball Chatter – October 2017

  • October 18, 2017 at 8:11 am

    Would love to c indoor courts at the y.

    • October 18, 2017 at 8:14 am

      I would suggest that you speak to TJ or Barry from the Y to see what the feasibility is. There are 2 key issues with indoor pickleball courts at the Y. The first, is that the gym has a lot of activities already scheduled. The second is the type of floor that is indoors has dead spots and hot spots causing incosistent bouncing.

  • October 18, 2017 at 9:07 am

    Judy, thank you. I’m kind of a beginner, but have caught onto the fever. Would like to advance my game with some lessons, clinics. Any info, advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.
    Agree with you, indoor facilities, greatly needed.

    • October 18, 2017 at 10:50 am

      Very attractive and informative web site. Please send me info on places and times of play. I have never played or seen the sport, but I am interested in joining in. Who can I contact? I live in Avon. I saw an ad in Bradley Beach, called but no-one replied. Thank you.

      • October 18, 2017 at 11:27 am

        The best place to get started is through one of the beginner programs that are being run at Fort Monmouth Recreation Center through the Monmouth County Park Systems. There are also people who give group lessons, you can find them under LEARN/Lessons. All new opportunities for beginners will be posted on the website.


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